Uncover Your Difference: Discover Your Unfair Advantage, Captivate The Right People & Cut Through The Noise

As a content creator, do you feel like you’re ten years too late to the game?

You want your content, products, and services to be a beacon for the right people…

You want to effortlessly connect with customers and clients who can benefit most from the products and service you have to offer…

But with the online space getting noisier and noisier, it’s getting harder to stand out and command any attention at all.

You know an unfair advantage is important, but how can you find that and position yourself as the right choice for the right people?

What about you will allow you to differentiate yourself from the competition?

How can you ultimately be a big fish in a small but rich pond?

Put out more content?

Be visible on all the big social media platforms?

Sure, these get you short bursts of attention. But do they really help you cut through the noise or help you gain influence and authority?

Not quite.
How then can you command attention and break through the noise?
You don’t need to have an earth-shattering transformational idea.
You just need to stand out as the obvious choice to a small portion of your market—a small portion of the market whose needs the big players aren’t serving.
Uncover Your Difference will introduce you to a series of steps designed to differentiate you from the competition and make you the logical choice for a niche group of people.

Here’s what’s packed into this how-to guide:

  • Messages build influence. Discover what exactly this elusive term “message” is and how to create your own.
  • Leverage the Brand Anchor Framework so that you’re a beacon for a microsegment of your audience.
  • How to identify your spot or parking space as a content creator
  • How to speak with a unique voice so you’re never mistaken for the competition.
  • Identify words and phrases that can rally your audience around your brand and products through a system of tools
  • Tell stories that grab attention, inspire action, and create a connection even if you think you don’t have a storytelling bone in your body.

Imagine standing out as the obvious choice to a small portion of your market—a small portion of the market whose needs the big players aren’t serving.
Imagine baking uniqueness into everything you offer and every message you bring to market…

If you’ve ever thought “I don’t think I’m that different…” remember that you are delightfully and maddeningly unique.

Intrigued yet?