The Golden Key: Modern Alchemy to Unlock Infinite Abundance [Audiobook]

Congratulations! If you are reading this, you are ready to attract more abundance into your life. Otherwise you wouldn’t be here, because expanded abundance is what this audiobook represents energetically, and as explored within the audio, you cannot attract anything into your life that is not a match for where you are in your personal evolution.

In The Golden Key: Modern Alchemy to Unlock Infinite Abundance, Brandon Beachum, serial entrepreneur and host of the widely popular Positive Head Podcast (over 15M downloads and consistently rated top-five in spirituality on Apple), shares the eight keys to abundance, which he personally uncovered over 25 years of trial, error, and deep exploration.

Self-proclaimed with(in)fluencer and thought leader DJ, Brandon brings together and puts his own spin on ideas from countless thought leaders from the worlds of science and spirituality. From Lao Tzu and Jesus of Nazareth, to Dr. Joe Dispenza, Dr. Bruce Lipton, Gregg Braden, Abraham Hicks, and Dr. Wayne Dyer, Brandon remixes and expands on the wisdom of their works to craft an epic and poetic exploration of what he terms “the ultimate nature of reality”.

The Golden Key offers listeners eight expanded perspectives via the eight keys to abundance, which includes the golden key, the master key that ultimately links them all together. These keys go beyond the surface of what might typically be described as abundance, guiding listeners to explore the deeper core of abundance in all its many forms. The Golden Key calls on listeners to claim the abundance that is their birthright, by listening and applying the perspectives shared within, and by inviting them to play the unique manifestation abundance game (The Golden Game) described in detail in the final sections of the audiobook, and at