The Complete Macro Diet Cookbook: 550-Day Easy & Delicious Recipes and 4 Weeks Meal Plan to Help You Burn Fat Quickly

550-Day Easy & Delicious Recipes and 4 Weeks Meal Plan to Help You Burn Fat Quickly.

Macro diet can help you optimize the intake of these macro nutrients, which will help you achieve good health.

The macro diet provides a simple approach to keep track of the nutrients we consume. Instead of focusing on caloric intake, this diet takes the number of macro nutrients like carbohydrates, proteins, and fats into consideration. It is these macros that play a major role in our metabolism; carbs are an instant source of energy, proteins provide amino acids for building muscles, and fats are the long-term secondary source of energy. By optimizing the intake of these nutrients, a person can achieve good health. According to the macro diet, there has to be a balanced intake of these macronutrients. This intake must be according to the needs of the human body. According to this diet, a meal has to have 10-35 percent proteins, 20-35 percent fats, and 45-65 percent carbs.

Macro diet is great because it does not provide one-size-fits-all formula. Rather it offers a flexible diet plan which anyone can use according to his needs. If a person is striving for weight loss, he or she can minimize the intake of fat and carbs.