The Chocolate Truffle Cookbook: 50 Delicious Chocolate Truffle Recipes

Chocolate truffles are a great option for a special dessert or a homemade gift, for occasions like Valentine’s Day or as a birthday gift. And
these small balls of passion are easy to make plus the possibilities for variations are practically endless. White chocolate, dark chocolate,
milk chocolate, add in some nuts, or mix in some fruit, you can even make alcoholic truffles! The recipes in this cookbook uses all of these
ingredients and more to create 50 of the best truffles you’ll ever taste.

Easy to follow steps!Each of the recipes has easy to follow steps allowing anyone to make them in no time at all and after trying out all of these delicious
recipes you’ll have gained enough experience to think of some interesting truffle recipes yourself, how cool would that be?!

Tried, Tested and SO GOOD!These recipes have all been tried out by us and we LOVE each and every one of them. So what are you waiting for?! Get to it and satisfy
your chocolate truffle cravings!

Tags: chocolate truffle recipes, chocolate truffle cookbooks, chocolate truffle recipe books, making chocolate truffles, how to make chocolate truffles, how to make truffles, making truffles, chocolate truffle making, chocolate truffle coffee, dark chocolate truffles, milk chocolate truffles, white chocolate truffles, liquor truffles, alcoholic truffles, alcoholic chocolate candy, chocolate candy making, liquor chocolates, liquor infused chocolates, chocolate recipes, valentine’s day recipes, valentine’s day cookbook, homemade truffles, homemade chocolate truffles, homemade chocolate truffle recipes, homemade chocolate recipes, homemade chocolate recipe book, homemade chocolate cookbook, chocolate truffle recipe easy, chocolate truffle balls.