Self-Realization and Other Awakenings

Ed Muzika received his Ph.D. in Psychology during 1987 after having spent 12 years as a Zen monk under six Zen masters, and a two year stint with Baba Muktananda. In 1989 he met his Advaita teachers: Robert Adams, a student of Ramana Maharshi, and Jean Dunn, successor to Nisargadatta; both were highly instrumental for his own awakening. Ed went on to develop his own style of teaching, which is more personal, more about bringing “God,” the Self-Transcendent, back into everyday life, loving relationships, and helping all sentient beings through compassionate action. This book is about the practical aspects of attaining Self-Realization, an awakening as to all that YOU are by getting rid of all of the concepts, habits, conventions and conditioning that blind you to the greater YOU. To become the Self that you are you have to become naked and unknowing. Can you walk with me into Nothingness to discover the miracle you really are?