Powerlifting Foundations and Methods

Powerlifting Foundations and Methods by Boris Sheiko is for a powerlifter of any experience level looking to improve their performance by applying Sheiko’s training methodology.

This eBook includes:
-A comprehensive guide to the Sheiko’s approach to powerlifting program design
-A thorough description of the process of teaching the powerlifts to beginners
-Discussions about how to use specific exercises to address certain weak points in intermediate and advanced lifters
-An in-depth discussion about the daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly arrangement of training volumes, intensities, and exercise selections
-Graphic and descriptive guides on performing every competitive and most assistance exercises for every all lifts
-A guide to nutrition for the optimization of powerlifting training
-Multiple sections on the biomechanics of each exercise, including the analysis of multiple execution styles based on different body types
-Dozens of sample programs and templates for all sorts of lifters and situations, and more!