Overcoming Erectile Dysfunction Guide

The inability to obtain and maintain a firm enough erection for sex is referred to as erectile dysfunction (impotence). Having erection issues now and then isn’t necessarily a cause for alarm. However, if erectile dysfunction is a long-term problem, it can cause stress, lower self-esteem, and lead to relationship issues. Problems obtaining or maintaining an erection can be a symptom of a more serious underlying health condition, as well as a risk factor for heart disease.
The most common sex problem that men report to their doctor is erectile dysfunction or ED. It may affect up to 30 million men. Though it’s not uncommon for a man to have erection problems now and then, ED that is progressive or occurs frequently with sex is not normal and should be treated.

Despite the fact that discussing ED can be embarrassing, experts say it is critical for a healthy relationship for couples to address the issue together. Speaking with a therapist may be necessary in some cases to work through issues and improve a couple’s sexual and overall relationship. Impotence can lead to feelings of inadequacy and depression. According to Held, these feelings can lead to a condition known as anticipatory anxiety. The man could take on the role of a spectator, stepping outside of himself to observe how he’s performing. This can cause erectile dysfunction by interfering with the sexual process.

This book contains the following information:

  • All treatment options are covered, including psychological, pharmacologic, and surgical options.
  • A logical, straightforward approach to clinical management
  • An international team of editors and contributors with a wealth of experience

This book is an excellent resource for men who are having problems with their sexual lives.