Orthodoxy and political theology

Why have the Orthodox churches not developed a full-throated political theological voice? While known for their robust ecclesiology and rich doctrinal and liturgical identity, the Orthodox churches have not strongly advanced political theology. Yet, for our time of momentous change and tumult, such a vision is crucial. For the first time, in an ecumenical context, this book is a careful analytical assessment – well informed by historical insights – of the theological stance and public witness of the Orthodox churches in the political arena. Key to developing a distinctive political theology and public witness is eucharistic community and renewed eschatology – a deep faith in and expectation of God’s active re-creation of individual, social, and even cosmic possibilities. A faith grounded in the risen Lord can offer a powerful religious vision, distinctively Orthodox in its deepest roots, not reducible to a nostalgic idealization of a theocratic past, nor to a simple modern program of social betterment. (Series: Dora & Praxis)