Middle Kingdom of Ancient Egypt: A Captivating Guide to the Period of Reunification and the Egyptian Pharaohs Who Ruled

Read about the exciting things that happened during the Middle Kingdom of ancient Egypt. Did you know that in this period, Osiris became the main god of the popular religion?

His cult was respected by the pharaohs of the Eleventh Dynasty, but it quickly spread throughout Egypt, and ordinary people became his followers.

The Middle Kingdom is a short period in Egypt’s history, but it is important because it was a period of political unity and prosperity. Because of that, it is sometimes referred to as the Golden Age of Egypt. Pharaoh Mentuhotep II united the previously divided Egypt and established a new capital in Thebes.

Continue reading the Middle Kingdom of Ancient Egypt to learn:

  • About the unification of the kingdom
  • About the many pharaohs of the Middle Kingdom
  • Was Queen Sobekneferu the last ruler of the Middle Kingdom?
  • Why scholars can’t agree on the role of the Thirteenth Dynasty in the Middle Kingdom.
  • What life was like in the Middle Kingdom
  • What the cultural achievements of the Middle Kingdom were
  • How the ancient Egyptians prepared their dead for the afterlife

There are many intriguing pieces of information such as these in this book on the Middle Kingdom of Ancient Egypt, so don’t miss out!