Guitar Practice

Are you a guitar player frustrated with the lack of progress you are making? Do you feel like you are stuck and aren’t getting any better?

If these questions resonate with you it is time to change your MINDSET, TECHNIQUES, and CREATE NEW HABITS in your guitar playing.

It is common to hear that the path to mastery is 10,000 hours, but what if you spend 10,000 hours doing the wrong thing? You would be spending all that time spinning wheels. The best way to make real progress with a particular skill is to practice effectively.

This book tackles the subject of practicing effectively by covering three major areas of practice.

This book is especially helpful for beginners, but even more experienced guitarist will benefit from learning new mindsets and applying goal setting techniques to their playing.

Don’t continue to struggle without a plan

If you have been playing guitar for a long time and aren’t seeing the progress you would like then it is probably because you aren’t consistent with how you practice. Mindset plays a big part of how effective your practice sessions are.

After reading the book not only will you have a better guide to practice, but you will be motivated by the goal setting examples. This practical guide will provide you with new mindsets you can implement instantly!

Re-Ignite Your Passion For Music
Create Goals and Achieve Results
Learn to Be Consistent with Great Practice Habits

Start becoming a better musician today and love practice again