Grecian Fitness Secrets Volume 1

If you’re a man over 35 who wants to look better with his shirt off, this new book by Greek body-optimization specialist Fotis Chatzinicolaou is a must read.

However, please understand the following:

This book does not show you how to create a training or diet program. Nor does it have a workout or diet for you to follow. If you’re interested in the above, please check Sculpted Grecian Body.

Having said that, here’s what you will discover inside the book:

The main reason men over 35 don’t reach their physique goals (Nothing to do with lack of information, a bad training program, or a horrible diet)

3 muscle killers that are probably imbued into your workouts

a bizarre energy supplement that’s ignored by most men (Full disclosure: I doubt it can benefit most guys. However if you’re one of the select few who can use it, then you’ll be pleasantly surprised with it)

The one muscle that can dramatically decrease shoulder pain. And nope, I’m not talking about the rotator cuff

Why I refuse to count calories and why you should probably do too

10 commandmends for surefire weight loss (Especially number 10 is always ignored by Fitness experts who revolve their lives around their workouts and diets)

4 crucial virtues of all self-respecting men (Almost nothing to do with fitness but if you’d like others to treat you with the respect you deserve, check those beauties out)

“No pain, no gain”, righ? I call B.S. In fact, if you’re over 35 you should forget about this idiotic mantra and adopt a gentler approach (As a nice bonus, your joints will thank you for it)

– and much more