Futbol Soccer Football Secrets

Do you want to know the SECRETS to become a Champions League player? Do you want to compete while learning professional modern tactics, mindset, and physical fitness and be on a higher level than anyone on the pitch? Do you feel like you are ready to go pro?

This book reveals a lot of behind the scenes a information and secrets about what you NEED TO KNOW to go pro. Information that your coach or manager may not know. I am unveiling and exposing all the necessary information that is not regularly shared with the daily footballer. This information is being exposed to the world in order to give you a better understanding, a better opportunity, and generate more high quality players. This is just a few of the elements talked about in the book:


  • Knowledge and Respect for the Game
  • Inside and Outside the Pitch
  • Awareness, Roles, and Duties
  • Modern Tactics
  • Physical Fitness and Technique
  • If you are ready to become professional Champions League player, this book will illuminate your path, and help you focus on what is IMPORTANT in the FOOTBALL world.