Economic Digital Security( practical Guide): Industrial Information Security and Cyber Attacks

2019, the global cyberspace security game has become more fierce. The cyberspace confrontation between countries has moved from behind the scenes to the front.
The impact of cyberattacks on the industrial field has further intensiied, and the global
industrial information security development environment has become increasingly severe. Cyber attacks against the industrial sector are showing a high incidence. Many sectors represented by energy have become important targets. Cybersecurity threats such as ransomware and advanced persistent threat (APT) attacks have severely affected the normal production and operation of industrial enterprises. The construction of a network power nation focuses on industrial control (“industrial control”) security and industrial Internet security, and introduces pragmatic measures to strengthen institution building, strategic planning and security management. my country’s industrial information security policy system and security guarantee mechanism have been further improved. The government and society have jointly promoted technological innovation and industrial development of industrial information security. The overall scale of the industrial information security industry has maintained rapid growth with strong development momentum. However, it is still necessary to realize that as the Industrial Internet moves toward practice, the concomitant effects brought about by the integration and application of emerging technologies in the industrial ield will be further revealed. The high complexity of the industrial industry has increased the dif iculty of security protection, and my country’s industrial information security protection still lacks possibilities. With the guidance of landing, the network security industry’s support to the industrial ield needs to be improved. From the perspective of development trends, industrial information security will also pay more attention to supply chain security issues. Industrial enterprises’ response to cyber attacks may become the norm. 5G applications are expected to further release industrial Internet security requirements. The construction of a systematic security management mechanism is expected to accelerate. Safety products and services will also be closer to industrial needs, and the importance of organization and management in the safety protection system is expected to increase.