Classic and Original Chinese Cookbook: 25 Super Delicious and Classical Recipes from the Chinese Cuisine

When someone comments that Chinese cuisine is mostly based on noodles and rice they are wrong. The varieties in Chinese cooking don’t have an end. There are so many different dishes that you won’t be able to try them in one month. What you can do in one month is to try the best classic Chinese recipes. I guarantee you; you will fall in love with Chinese dishes for the second time.

As a Chinese food lover, I can’t get enough on any variety of recipes and not only the simpler and classical. But the best part to start your Chinese cooking journey is learning them first. After that, you can continue to explore more and more or even make your own variations.

With this book, you will become an expert because each recipe has a simple step-by-step guide that will help even beginners. It is designed in such a manner that it will keep you more focused on the beauty of the ingredients and not the time you are spending in the kitchen.

Start your journey now:
– 25 Recipes with simplified instructions
– Only high-quality ingredients
– Delicious and unforgettable recipes